
Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Lament of the Public Radio Listener (During Pledge Drive Week)

On the radio while coffee brews
Poor Soterios Johnson
Is not reading the news

Instead he must think of a way
to say, and say and say
Please support WNYC
Offers of dollar-for-dollar matches
Free subscriptions to The New Yorker
This season of the pledge drive: it irketh me

Soterios, my lunch-time friend Brian Lehrer
Even that know-it-all Leonard Lopate
All suffer this ignomius fate

Ira Glass is cute
 yet borderline rude
With his vaguely threatening calls
to listeners who don't pledge

I gave recently
Forsooth, a sum fairly paltry
The guilt eats away at me

1 comment:

  1. Your last sentiment is perfect... "The guilt eats away at me" - I love it.
