
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Crystal Renn Walks for Chanel!


  1. YES! It's about time!

  2. Is this what the fashion world considers "large?" Because that would explain why I, who happens to be six-feet tall and NOT built like a model, but otherwise am pretty normal-sized, cannot find a "large" shirt that fits my shoulders or pants that fit my waist without sagging off my hips. I love Crystal Renn, but she is not "large."

  3. I'm getting out my Spanx right now.

  4. AND the put her in a dress that looks very pretty on her, not something that says, "Hey, look, our model is not a size 0! Doesn't she look crazy different from all our other models?!".

  5. GORGEOUS. I'm proud of Chanel, and I can't wait for the Target version of the dress.

  6. Christina - I enjoyed your Q & A on Frisky and I am writing a comment per your request. I wasn't sure where to post it so your most recent entry gets it.

    You have 182 followers on your blog. I have two. HA! I am wondering how to get comments posted too. Oh, wait. Be more awesome and have worked for the seminal magazine of the 90's. "Sassy" literally defined my teen years. I am so glad to see you in the blogoshpere!

  7. Seriously, I heard about Crystal Renn being this successful plus sized model when she released her book. Whenever I see photos, I just think she looks lovely and slim. She should not be considered plus sized!

  8. i wish she would model for every clothing store...she doesn't seem "plus sized" but looks like she'd show how clothes actually look on people, not on mannequins.

  9. Totally torn on this.
    1) Yay! She looks like a real person who eats, and this proves that designers can find enough yards of fabric in the world to somehow cover her gargantuan frame.

    2) Uh, she is still way hotter/shaplier than most people I know! She is MORE like me than most models, but I certainly don't look at this and consider the average woman represented. But it is still refreshing.

    3) I wonder if she's heading for a "jump the shark" moment--she's being positioned to stand for an entire side of the body image debate, which is hard for anyone's career to handle. I hope designers/magazines don't get stuck on her and how "relatable" she is and consider their job done. I hope this is just the start.

  10. I love her! I hope plus-size isn't just a fad though, it would re-inspire my love of high fashion seeing more women like her on the catwalks and in VOGUE spreads.

  11. Guys, go to for a really awesome post about this matter.
