#1: Amazon Fresh
Delivery time!
Conflict: My Zoom yoga class
Knee hurts anyway
#2: Wiping The Food
Disinfecting groceries
Is not very fun
I'll make my husband do it
#3: Cat Vomit
Wonder how I hurt my knee?
Squatted down to clean
A big cat hairball
#4: AARP Magazine
Or maybe it was because
I decided to try
Some old people exercise
#5: RSVP
I cannot attend
The virtual happy hour
I'd have to shower
#6: Endless cooking
College-aged son home
Needs: 6000 calories
Eaten while gaming
#7: Lunch
What fresh hell is this?
We are out of salad greens
Guess I'll eat these chips
#8: Master project
Productive people
have a quarantine project
I prefer not to
#9: Masks
Have two pretty masks
Cannot breathe in either one
Best to stay at home
#10: Nothing
"What's your plan today?"
asks my beloved husband
Same as yesterday
#11: Recipe Fail
New York Times Cooking!
Your Braised White Beans recipe?
No one would eat it
#12: Old
I'd been wondering
How I would look with gray hair
I have my answer
#13: Truth
My mom's in rehab
She was in the hospital
Severe pneumonia
#14: Alone
I can't visit her
I can't hold my mother's hand
She is all alone